Happy Mothers' Day!

A blog post by Albert Semple

19 Mar 2023

I wrote this poem for my son to give my wife on Mothers' Day. It's very personal, but I thought I'd share it here as a break from crude and political rhymes!

The morning walk to school
 must be my favourite time of day.
You help me with my coat and shoes
 and set me on my way.
I'll walk beside you, hand-in-hand,
 describing from my mind
The vehicles and buildings
 that I've already designed.
We'll meet familiar faces
 as we wander up the brae —
I'll ask you in a whisper
 to arrange a date to play.
Then as we reach the playground gate,
 before I saunter through,
I give your hand a triple squeeze
 - the code for "I love you".
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