Rhyming Dictionary

Index of Entries by Sound

  • /i/ as in brie, key, she, ski, tea, capri, debris, degree, grand prix, bourgeoisie, pot pourri, anemone, bon appetit.
  • /id/ as in knead, steed, stampede.
  • /idz/ as in beads, accedes, exceeds.
  • /idʒ/ as in squeedge, besiege.
  • /idʒd/ as in squeedged, besieged.
  • /if/ as in beef, brief, leaf, thief, motif.
  • /ifs/ as in briefs, reefs, motifs.
  • /ift/ as in briefed, leafed, debriefed.
  • /ig/ as in league, blitzkrieg, intrigue.
  • /igd/ as in fatigued, intrigued.
  • /igz/ as in leagues, fatigues, intrigues.
  • /ik/ as in chic, peek, Sikh, squeak, antique, batik.
  • /iks/ as in cheeks, cliques, peaks, Sikhs.
  • /ikt/ as in peeked, tweaked, critiqued.
  • /il/ as in zeal, anele, glockenspiel, automobile.
  • /ild/ as in aneled, peeled, squealed, annealed.
  • /ildz/ as in fields, shields, wields.
  • /ilt/ as in bealt.
  • /ilz/ as in aneles, deals, peels, glockenspiels, automobiles.
  • /im/ as in beam, deem, extreme, regime.
  • /imd/ as in creamed, schemed, teemed.
  • /imz/ as in beams, memes, regimes.
  • /in/ as in bean, been, gene, queen, hygiene, latrine.
  • /ind/ as in fiend, gleaned, queened, guillotined, reconvened.
  • /indz/ as in /indz/.
  • /indʒ/ as in /indʒ/.
  • /indʒd/ as in /indʒd/.
  • /int/ as in askient.
  • /ints/ as in /ints/.
  • /inz/ as in beans, teens, wolverines.
  • /ip/ as in beep, leap, asleep.
  • /ips/ as in beeps, heaps, overleaps.
  • /ipt/ as in beeped, heaped, reaped.
  • /is/ as in crease, geese, Greece, niece, obese, police.
  • /ist/ as in east, fleeced, leased, pieced, priest, policed, wildebeest.
  • /ists/ as in beasts, east's, feasts, priests, artistes.
  • /it/ as in Crete, eat, feet, deceit, petite, receipt.
  • /its/ as in eats, meets, suites, competes, deceits, receipts.
  • /itʃ/ as in beach, beech.
  • /itʃt/ as in beached, screeched, impeached.
  • /iv/ as in cleave, eve, grieve, conceive, naïve, semibreve, Tel Aviv.
  • /ivd/ as in cleaved, grieved, conceived.
  • /ivz/ as in achieves, cleaves, eves, peeves, deceives, handkerchiefs.
  • /ix/ as in /ix/.
  • /iz/ as in 3s, bees, breeze, cheese, ease, freeze, frieze, keys, peas, quays, seize, skis, squeeze, T.s, these, chemise, Socrates, appendices.
  • /izd/ as in pleased, seized, unfreezed.
  • /iɹ/ as in beer, ear, here, queer, brigadier, cafetiere, souvenir.
  • /iɹd/ as in beard, geared, sneered, tiered, weird, adhered.
  • /iɹs/ as in fierce, pierce.
  • /iɹt/ as in /iɹt/.
  • /iɹz/ as in weirs, adheres, appears, careers, brigadiers, souvenirs.
  • /iʃ/ as in leash, quiche, hashish, pastiche.
  • /iʃt/ as in wheesht!, unleashed.
  • /iϴ/ as in heath, teeth, beneath.
  • /iϴs/ as in heaths, sheaths, wreaths.
  • /ɪb/ as in crib, damp squib, ab-lib.
  • /ɪbd/ as in bibbed, ad-libbed.
  • /ɪbz/ as in cribs, damp squibs.
  • /ɪd/ as in squid, Madrid, outbid.
  • /ɪdz/ as in bids, forbids, overbids.
  • /ɪdʒ/ as in fridge, squidge, abridge, beverage, sacrilege.
  • /ɪdʒd/ as in bridged, squidged.
  • /ɪf/ as in cliff, GIF, glyph, if.
  • /ɪfs/ as in cliffs, GIFs, ifs, quiffs, hieroglyphs.
  • /ɪft/ as in gift, miffed, swift.
  • /ɪfts/ as in gifts, lifts, shifts.
  • /ɪg/ as in dig, Whig, whirligig, WYSIWYG.
  • /ɪgd/ as in swigged, twigged, rejigged.
  • /ɪgz/ as in jigs, Bishopbriggs, whirligigs.
  • /ɪk/ as in Bic, quick, lunatic.
  • /ɪks/ as in bricks, nix, lunatics.
  • /ɪkst/ as in nixed, affixed, overmixed.
  • /ɪkt/ as in clicked, Pict, depict.
  • /ɪl/ as in nil, quill, will, De'Ville, instil, Seville, until.
  • /ɪld/ as in chilled, fulfilled, rebuild.
  • /ɪldz/ as in builds, guilds, rebuilds.
  • /ɪlk/ as in ilk, milk, milked, silk, silked.
  • /ɪlks/ as in ilks, milks, silks.
  • /ɪlt/ as in gilt, lilt, rebuilt.
  • /ɪlts/ as in gilts, quilts, tilts.
  • /ɪltʃ/ as in filch, zilch.
  • /ɪlz/ as in chills, trills, overfills.
  • /ɪm/ as in hymn, limb, vim, patronym.
  • /ɪmd/ as in dimmed, limbed, shimmed, trimmed.
  • /ɪmp/ as in blimp, pimp, shrimp.
  • /ɪmpd/ as in pimped, skimped, wimped.
  • /ɪmps/ as in imps, shrimps, wimps.
  • /ɪmz/ as in dims, hymns, limbs, whims.
  • /ɪn/ as in inn, Boleyn, herein, violin.
  • /ɪnd/ as in twinned, wind, rescind.
  • /ɪndz/ as in winds, rescinds.
  • /ɪndʒ/ as in hinge, twinge, syringe.
  • /ɪndʒd/ as in cringed, hinged, impinged.
  • /ɪns/ as in rinse, wince, convince.
  • /ɪnst/ as in minced, rinsed, convinced.
  • /ɪnt/ as in glint, asquint, peppermint.
  • /ɪnts/ as in glints, mints, peppermints.
  • /ɪntʃ/ as in inch, lynch, winch.
  • /ɪntʃt/ as in clinched, inched, lynched, winched.
  • /ɪnz/ as in inns, Boleyn's, violins.
  • /ɪnϴ/ as in plinth, synth, labyrinth.
  • /ɪnϴs/ as in plinths, synths, labyrinths.
  • /ɪp/ as in lip, equip, outstrip, dealership.
  • /ɪps/ as in lips, eclipse, outstrips, re-equips.
  • /ɪpt/ as in tripped, equipped, outstripped.
  • /ɪs/ as in kiss, sis, reminisce, orifice.
  • /ɪsk/ as in bisque, misc., whisk.
  • /ɪsks/ as in bisques, discs, obelisks.
  • /ɪskt/ as in disced, frisked, whisked.
  • /ɪst/ as in missed, tryst, twist, atheist.
  • /ɪsts/ as in cysts, wrists, plagiarists.
  • /ɪt/ as in it, acquit, adequate, counterfeit.
  • /ɪts/ as in Brits, acquits, counterfeits, hypocrites.
  • /ɪtʃ/ as in glitch, itch, which.
  • /ɪtʃt/ as in bitched, stitched, enriched.
  • /ɪv/ as in give, sieve, spiv.
  • /ɪvd/ as in lived, shivved, sieved.
  • /ɪvz/ as in gives, sieves, spivs.
  • /ɪxt/ as in licht, nicht, sicht.
  • /ɪxts/ as in /ɪxts/.
  • /ɪz/ as in biz, fizz, is, quiz, analysis.
  • /ɪzd/ as in fizzed, quizzed, whizzed.
  • /ɪŋ/ as in bring, wing, everything.
  • /ɪŋd/ as in dinged, kinged, stringed.
  • /ɪŋk/ as in inc., ink, sync, zinc.
  • /ɪŋks/ as in inks, lynx, sphinx, syncs, rethinks.
  • /ɪŋkt/ as in linked, winked, precinct.
  • /ɪŋz/ as in dings, slings, wings.
  • /ɪɹl/ as in girl, skirl, twirl.
  • /ɪɹld/ as in skirled, swirled, twirled.
  • /ɪɹls/ as in /ɪɹls/.
  • /ɪɹlt/ as in /ɪɹlt/.
  • /ɪɹlz/ as in girls, skirls, twirls.
  • /ɪɹm/ as in /ɪɹm/.
  • /ɪɹmd/ as in /ɪɹmd/.
  • /ɪɹms/ as in /ɪɹms/.
  • /ɪɹmt/ as in /ɪɹmt/.
  • /ɪɹmz/ as in /ɪɹmz/.
  • /ɪɹt/ as in /ɪɹt/.
  • /ɪɹts/ as in /ɪɹts/.
  • /ɪʃ/ as in dish, squish, wish.
  • /ɪʃt/ as in dished, fished, wished.
  • /ɪϴ/ as in fifth, myth, pith.
  • /ɪϴs/ as in fifths, myths, smiths.
  • /a/ as in bra, bourgeois, fois gras, coup d'état, Kavanagh.
  • /ab/ as in crab, slab, prefab.
  • /abd/ as in dabbed, scabbed, stabbed.
  • /abz/ as in crabs, tabs, minicabs.
  • /ad/ as in bad, pad, unclad, ballustrade, Leningrad, olympiad.
  • /adz/ as in adds, Leningrad's, lilypads.
  • /adʒ/ as in badge, cadge, Hajj, vag.
  • /adʒd/ as in badged, cadged, rebadged.
  • /af/ as in graph, carafe, giraffe, autograph.
  • /aff/ as in /aff/.
  • /afs/ as in gaffes, half's, laughs, carafes, epitaphs.
  • /aft/ as in draught, laughed, raft, photographed.
  • /afts/ as in draughts, grafts, rafts, handicrafts.
  • /ag/ as in bag, stag, scallywag.
  • /agd/ as in bagged, flagged, tagged.
  • /agz/ as in flags, rags, scallywags.
  • /ak/ as in black, plaque, attack, anorak.
  • /aks/ as in backs, unpacks, maniacs.
  • /akst/ as in faxed, relaxed, untaxed.
  • /akt/ as in backed, attacked, artefact.
  • /akts/ as in acts, enacts, artefacts.
  • /al/ as in shall, canal, L'Oréal, rationale.
  • /ald/ as in /ald/.
  • /alt/ as in /alt/.
  • /alz/ as in gals, canals, royales, L'Oréal's.
  • /am/ as in calm, jam, madame.
  • /amd/ as in crammed, shammed, monogrammed.
  • /amp/ as in lamp, decamp, aide-de-camp.
  • /amps/ as in stamps, encamps, revamps.
  • /ampt/ as in clamped, tramped, revamped.
  • /amz/ as in jambs, scams, madame's, Abraham's, mammograms, Jean Claud van-Damme's.
  • /an/ as in can, began, moulin, catamaran.
  • /and/ as in planned, rebrand, understand.
  • /andz/ as in brands, commands, reprimands.
  • /ans/ as in dance, mischance, circumstance.
  • /anst/ as in danced, tranced, advanced.
  • /ant/ as in aunt, plant, decant, disenchant.
  • /ants/ as in aunts, chants, implants, transplants.
  • /antʃ/ as in branch, avalanche.
  • /antʃt/ as in blanched, branched.
  • /anz/ as in fans, Japan's, caravans.
  • /ap/ as in cap, entrap, handicap.
  • /aps/ as in flaps, collapse, handicaps.
  • /apst/ as in lapsed, collapsed.
  • /apt/ as in capped, adapt, booby-trapped, handicapped.
  • /as/ as in brass, glass, gravitas, overpass.
  • /ask/ as in ask, damask, multitask.
  • /asks/ as in basks, flasks, unmasks.
  • /askt/ as in asked, unmasked, multitasked.
  • /ast/ as in cast, caste, amassed, overcast.
  • /asts/ as in castes, lasts, lambasts, Elastoplast's.
  • /at/ as in cat, acrobat, laundromat.
  • /ats/ as in cats, acrobats, democrats.
  • /atʃ/ as in batch, scratch, dispatch.
  • /atʃt/ as in hatched, scratched, thatched, attached, detached, dispatched.
  • /av/ as in have, suave, Yugoslav.
  • /avd/ as in calved, halved.
  • /avz/ as in calves, chavs, Yugoslavs.
  • /ax/ as in ach!.
  • /axt/ as in /axt/.
  • /axts/ as in /axts/.
  • /az/ as in bras, vase, pizzazz, whereas, razzmatazz.
  • /aŋ/ as in gang, meringue, charabanc, orangutang.
  • /aŋd/ as in banged, panged, harangued.
  • /aŋk/ as in bank, franc, sank, outflank.
  • /aŋks/ as in blanks, Manx, outranks.
  • /aŋkt/ as in banked, pranked, outranked.
  • /aŋt/ as in belangt.
  • /aŋz/ as in hangs, meringues, boomerangs.
  • /aɹ/ as in are, car, bizarre, repertoire, reservoir.
  • /aɹb/ as in /aɹb/.
  • /aɹbd/ as in /aɹbd/.
  • /aɹbz/ as in /aɹbz/.
  • /aɹd/ as in hard, disbarred, discard, leotard.
  • /aɹdz/ as in shards, regards, Isambard's.
  • /aɹdʒ/ as in barge, large, recharge.
  • /aɹdʒd/ as in barged, charged, enlarged.
  • /aɹg/ as in /aɹg/.
  • /aɹk/ as in bark, clerk, marque, narc, oligarch.
  • /aɹks/ as in clerks, marques, Marx, embarks, oligarchs.
  • /aɹkt/ as in barked, harked, watermarked.
  • /aɹl/ as in carl, gnarl, snarl.
  • /aɹld/ as in gnarled, snarled.
  • /aɹlz/ as in carls, gnarls, snarls.
  • /aɹm/ as in farm, disarm, underarm.
  • /aɹmd/ as in armed, farmed, harmed.
  • /aɹmz/ as in arms, alarms, self-harms.
  • /aɹn/ as in barn, darn, yarn.
  • /aɹnd/ as in /aɹnd/.
  • /aɹnt/ as in /aɹnt/.
  • /aɹnz/ as in barns, darns, yarns.
  • /aɹp/ as in carp, harp, LARP.
  • /aɹps/ as in carps, harps, sharps.
  • /aɹs/ as in arse, farce, sparse.
  • /aɹt/ as in smart, depart, a la carte.
  • /aɹts/ as in arts, starts, imparts.
  • /aɹtʃ/ as in arch, larch, march.
  • /aɹtʃt/ as in arched, parched, starched.
  • /aɹz/ as in scars, cigars, seminars.
  • /aʃ/ as in ash, cache, flash, moustache.
  • /aʃd/ as in /aʃd/.
  • /aʃt/ as in bashed, cached, rehashed, pebble-dashed.
  • /aϴ/ as in path, aftermath, homeopath.
  • /aϴs/ as in baths, maths, psychopaths.
  • /o/ as in beau, bro, foe, low, oh!, owe, sew, though, whoa!, Bordeaux.
  • /ob/ as in globe, enrobe, islamophobia.
  • /obd/ as in lobed, probed.
  • /obz/ as in globes, robes, islamophobias.
  • /od/ as in flowed, load, rode, sewed, moustachioed.
  • /odz/ as in loads, odes, roads, abodes.
  • /of/ as in loaf, oaf.
  • /og/ as in brogue, drogue, vogue.
  • /ogd/ as in /ogd/.
  • /ogz/ as in /ogz/.
  • /ok/ as in choke, oak, yolk.
  • /oks/ as in blokes, folks, oaks.
  • /okst/ as in coaxed, hoaxed.
  • /okt/ as in choked, croaked, yolked.
  • /ol/ as in bowl, coal, hole, soul, troll, enrol.
  • /old/ as in bowled, hold, holed, rolled, shoaled, remould.
  • /oldz/ as in holds, manifolds, remoulds.
  • /olf/ as in /olf/.
  • /olfs/ as in /olfs/.
  • /olft/ as in /olft/.
  • /olt/ as in bolt, moult, volt.
  • /olts/ as in colts, moults, revolts.
  • /olz/ as in bowls, coals, holes, souls, trolls, controls.
  • /om/ as in comb, foam, home, ohm.
  • /omd/ as in combed, foamed, homed, roamed.
  • /omz/ as in combs, foams, homes, ohms, roams.
  • /on/ as in blown, cone, loan, sewn.
  • /ond/ as in boned, loaned, owned, pwned.
  • /onz/ as in bones, groans, owns, pwns.
  • /op/ as in hope, soap, elope, gyroscope.
  • /ops/ as in hopes, soaps, endoscopes.
  • /opt/ as in coped, soaped, telescoped.
  • /os/ as in close, gross, adios.
  • /ost/ as in boast, ghost, grossed.
  • /osts/ as in boasts, ghosts, hosts.
  • /ot/ as in boat, dote, quote.
  • /ots/ as in boats, dotes, quotes.
  • /otʃ/ as in brooch, poach, approach.
  • /otʃt/ as in broached, coached, poached.
  • /ov/ as in clove, grove, behove.
  • /ovd/ as in cloved, roved, stoved.
  • /ovs/ as in /ovs/.
  • /ovz/ as in cloves, groves, behoves.
  • /oz/ as in beaus, crows, doze, foes, O.s, pose, radios.
  • /ozd/ as in dozed, nosed, disclosed.
  • /oð/ as in clothe, loathe.
  • /oðd/ as in clothed, loathed.
  • /oðz/ as in clothes, loathes.
  • /oɹ/ as in boar, core, corps, floor, four, pour, abhor, rapport.
  • /oɹd/ as in cored, fjord, horde, poured, soared, adored.
  • /oɹdz/ as in boards, fords, hordes.
  • /oɹn/ as in borne, mourn, worn.
  • /oɹs/ as in coarse, course, force, source.
  • /oɹst/ as in coursed, forced, sourced.
  • /oɹt/ as in court, sport, abort.
  • /oɹts/ as in courts, sports, cavorts.
  • /oɹz/ as in 4s, boars, bores, doors, pours, abhors.
  • /oϴ/ as in both, growth, oath, quoth.
  • /oϴs/ as in growths, oaths, Arbroath's.
  • /u/ as in 2, blew, blue, boo, choux, coup, do, ewe, flu, ooh!, queue, through, you, zoo, canoe, rendezvous.
  • /ub/ as in boob, cube, lube.
  • /ubd/ as in boobed, cubed, lubed.
  • /ubz/ as in boobs, cubes, lubes.
  • /ud/ as in brood, crude, feud, mood, shrewd.
  • /udz/ as in dudes, feuds, goods.
  • /uf/ as in goof, proof, woof.
  • /ufs/ as in goofs, proofs, woofs.
  • /uft/ as in goofed, spoofed, woofed.
  • /ug/ as in fugue, Moog.
  • /ugz/ as in fugues, Moogs.
  • /uk/ as in chook, look, inglenook.
  • /uks/ as in crooks, looks, nooks.
  • /ukt/ as in booked, cooked, looked.
  • /ul/ as in cool, cruel, full, ghoul, jewel, joule, Istanbul.
  • /uld/ as in duelled, fooled, jewelled, ruled.
  • /ulz/ as in bulls, duels, fools, ghouls, jewels.
  • /um/ as in boom, flume, tomb, whom.
  • /umd/ as in boomed, fumed, entombed.
  • /umz/ as in booms, fumes, wombs.
  • /un/ as in boon, dune, spittoon.
  • /und/ as in crooned, pruned, spooned.
  • /unt/ as in /unt/.
  • /unts/ as in /unts/.
  • /unz/ as in croons, dunes, runes.
  • /up/ as in dupe, group, loupe, troop.
  • /ups/ as in dupes, groups, loupes, troops.
  • /upt/ as in duped, grouped, hooped.
  • /us/ as in deuce, juice, mousse, noose, sluice, spruce, Zeus, reuse.
  • /ust/ as in boost, goosed, juiced, sluiced, spruced, used.
  • /usts/ as in boosts, roosts.
  • /ut/ as in beaut., chute, fruit, newt, put, route, shoot.
  • /uts/ as in beauts., boots, chutes, fruits, newts, puts, routes, shoots, Beirut's.
  • /utʃ/ as in butch, cootch, hooch.
  • /utʃt/ as in cootched, mooched, scootched.
  • /uv/ as in groove, prove, countermove.
  • /uvd/ as in grooved, moved, disapproved.
  • /uvz/ as in grooves, moves, disapproves.
  • /ux/ as in eneuch.
  • /uxs/ as in /uxs/.
  • /uz/ as in 2s, blues, boos, booze, brews, bruise, choose, coups, ooze, ruse, shoes, twos, views, whose, adieus, reuse, tattoos.
  • /uzd/ as in boozed, bruised, used.
  • /uɹ/ as in poor, sewer, coiffeur, velour, voyeur, de rigueur, force majeure.
  • /uɹd/ as in insured, toured, coiffured.
  • /uɹdz/ as in /uɹdz/.
  • /uɹs/ as in /uɹs/.
  • /uɹt/ as in /uɹt/.
  • /uɹts/ as in /uɹts/.
  • /uɹz/ as in poor's, contours, voyeurs.
  • /uʃ/ as in bush, shoosh, ambush.
  • /uʃt/ as in bushed, pushed, smooshed.
  • /uϴ/ as in booth, sleuth, truth, youth.
  • /uϴs/ as in booths, sleuths, truths, youths.
  • /uϴt/ as in boothed, sleuthed, toothed.
  • /ɛb/ as in ebb, web, celeb.
  • /ɛbd/ as in ebbed.
  • /ɛbz/ as in ebbs, webs, celebs.
  • /ɛd/ as in bled, said, ahead, thoroughbred.
  • /ɛdz/ as in beds, Z.s, beheads, embeds.
  • /ɛdʒ/ as in edge, fledge, allege.
  • /ɛdʒd/ as in alleged.
  • /ɛf/ as in chef, deaf, eff, F.
  • /ɛfs/ as in clefs, effs, F.s.
  • /ɛft/ as in cleft, deft, theft.
  • /ɛfts/ as in clefts, left's, thefts, wefts.
  • /ɛg/ as in egg, keg, peg.
  • /ɛgd/ as in egged, legged, pegged.
  • /ɛgz/ as in begs, eggs, kegs.
  • /ɛk/ as in cheque, neck, Quebec.
  • /ɛks/ as in cheques, flex, multiplex.
  • /ɛkst/ as in next, perplexed, oversexed.
  • /ɛkt/ as in decked, collect, architect.
  • /ɛkts/ as in sects, corrects, architects.
  • /ɛl/ as in well, carousel, citadel, clientele, mademoiselle.
  • /ɛld/ as in shelled, weld, unparalleled.
  • /ɛldz/ as in melds, welds.
  • /ɛlf/ as in /ɛlf/.
  • /ɛlfs/ as in /ɛlfs/.
  • /ɛlk/ as in elk, whelk.
  • /ɛlks/ as in elks, whelks.
  • /ɛlm/ as in elm, realm, overwhelm.
  • /ɛlmz/ as in elms, realms, overwhelms.
  • /ɛlt/ as in belt, knelt, svelte.
  • /ɛlts/ as in belts, Celts, unbelts.
  • /ɛltʃ/ as in belch, squelch, welch.
  • /ɛlz/ as in bells, L.s, cartels, mademoiselles.
  • /ɛlϴ/ as in health, stealth, wealth.
  • /ɛm/ as in gem, phlegm, A.M., condemn, per diem.
  • /ɛmd/ as in hemmed, condemned.
  • /ɛmp/ as in hemp, temp.
  • /ɛmpt/ as in kempt, temped, pre-empt.
  • /ɛmpts/ as in accepts, exempts, pre-empts.
  • /ɛmz/ as in gems, M.s, Thames, condemns.
  • /ɛn/ as in den, N., again, comedienne, equestrian.
  • /ɛnd/ as in fend, friend, penned.
  • /ɛndz/ as in ends, friends, transcends.
  • /ɛndʒ/ as in avenge, revenge, Stonehenge.
  • /ɛns/ as in dense, fence, dispense.
  • /ɛnst/ as in fenced, sensed, against.
  • /ɛnt/ as in dent, meant, frequent.
  • /ɛnts/ as in scents, presents, circumvents.
  • /ɛntʃ/ as in bench, stench, entrench.
  • /ɛntʃt/ as in clenched, wrenched, entrenched.
  • /ɛnz/ as in friends, N.s, wrens, Mercedes Benz.
  • /ɛnzd/ as in cleansed, lensed.
  • /ɛnϴ/ as in length, tenth.
  • /ɛnϴs/ as in lengths, tenths.
  • /ɛp/ as in crepe, prep, misstep.
  • /ɛps/ as in crepes, reps, missteps.
  • /ɛpt/ as in kept, leaped, stepped.
  • /ɛs/ as in press, yes, convalesce, N.H.S..
  • /ɛsk/ as in desk, burlesque, arabesque.
  • /ɛsks/ as in desks, arabesques, grotesques.
  • /ɛsp/ as in /ɛsp/.
  • /ɛsps/ as in /ɛsps/.
  • /ɛst/ as in blessed, rest, abreast, acquiesced, coalesced.
  • /ɛsts/ as in breasts, rests, requests.
  • /ɛt/ as in debt, let, sweat, baguette, brunette, duet.
  • /ɛts/ as in bets, debts, threats, baguettes, diskettes.
  • /ɛtʃ/ as in etch, wretch, outstretch.
  • /ɛtʃt/ as in etched, sketched, overstretched.
  • /ɛv/ as in Kev, rev, Kiev, kievs.
  • /ɛvz/ as in Kev's, revs.
  • /ɛx/ as in /ɛx/.
  • /ɛxs/ as in /ɛxs/.
  • /ɛxt/ as in /ɛxt/.
  • /ɛxts/ as in /ɛxts/.
  • /ɛz/ as in fez, says, hi-res.
  • /ɛŋk/ as in /ɛŋk/.
  • /ɛŋks/ as in /ɛŋks/.
  • /ɛɹ/ as in err, infer, Nom de Guerre, secretaire.
  • /ɛɹd/ as in heard, nerd, inferred.
  • /ɛɹdz/ as in herds, nerds.
  • /ɛɹdʒ/ as in merge, verge, converge.
  • /ɛɹdʒd/ as in merged, verged, converged.
  • /ɛɹf/ as in /ɛɹf/.
  • /ɛɹk/ as in jerk, Merc, perk.
  • /ɛɹks/ as in jerks, Mercs, perks.
  • /ɛɹkt/ as in jerked, perked.
  • /ɛɹl/ as in earl, pearl, peril.
  • /ɛɹlz/ as in earls, pearls, perils.
  • /ɛɹm/ as in germ, sperm, term, erm.
  • /ɛɹmd/ as in permed, termed.
  • /ɛɹmt/ as in /ɛɹmt/.
  • /ɛɹmz/ as in germs, sperms, terms, erms.
  • /ɛɹn/ as in Bern, earn, fern.
  • /ɛɹnd/ as in /ɛɹnd/.
  • /ɛɹnt/ as in /ɛɹnt/.
  • /ɛɹnz/ as in earns, ferns, concerns.
  • /ɛɹs/ as in hearse, terse, coerce.
  • /ɛɹst/ as in versed, coerced, transversed.
  • /ɛɹt/ as in pert, assert, exert.
  • /ɛɹts/ as in desserts, reverts, introverts.
  • /ɛɹtʃ/ as in perch, search, research.
  • /ɛɹtʃt/ as in perched, searched, researched.
  • /ɛɹz/ as in errs, confers, Pierre's.
  • /ɛɹϴ/ as in berth, earth, Perth.
  • /ɛɹϴs/ as in berths, earths, unearths.
  • /ɛɹϴt/ as in berthed, earthed, unearthed.
  • /ɛʃ/ as in creche, refresh, Bangladesh.
  • /ɛʃt/ as in meshed, threshed, enmeshed.
  • /ɛϴ/ as in breath, meth, Macbeth.
  • /ɛϴs/ as in deaths, meths, Macbeth's.
  • /e/ as in bay, grey, neigh, ballet, bouquet, café, D.J., entree, forte, parfait, parquet, souffle, attaché, dossier, I.R.A., K.K.K., matinee, protege, cafe au lait.
  • /eb/ as in babe, astrolabe.
  • /ebz/ as in babes, astrolabes.
  • /ed/ as in frayed, made, maid, sleighed, cliched, sautéed, surveyed.
  • /edz/ as in aides, aids, blades, dissuades.
  • /edʒ/ as in age, gauge, page.
  • /edʒd/ as in aged, staged, engaged.
  • /ef/ as in chafe, waif.
  • /efs/ as in strafes, waifs.
  • /eft/ as in chafed, strafed.
  • /eg/ as in plague, vague, the Hague.
  • /egz/ as in /egz/.
  • /ek/ as in ache, bake, quake, steak, opaque.
  • /eks/ as in aches, shakes, steaks.
  • /ekt/ as in ached, caked, quaked.
  • /el/ as in braille, dale, fail, Gael, quail.
  • /eld/ as in failed, paled, veiled.
  • /elz/ as in dales, fails, Gaels, veils, Wales.
  • /em/ as in aim, blame.
  • /emd/ as in aimed, ashamed, flamed.
  • /emt/ as in /emt/.
  • /emz/ as in claims, dames, shames.
  • /en/ as in reign, vein, wane, again, campaign, champagne.
  • /end/ as in caned, gained, reigned, campaigned.
  • /endʒ/ as in grange, range, exchange.
  • /endʒd/ as in changed, ranged, arranged.
  • /ent/ as in feint, paint, acquaint.
  • /ents/ as in feints, paints, constraints.
  • /enz/ as in lanes, pains, reigns, veins.
  • /ep/ as in ape, cape, drape.
  • /eps/ as in apes, capes, drapes.
  • /ept/ as in caped, draped, gaped.
  • /es/ as in ace, base, bass.
  • /est/ as in aced, based, paste, waist.
  • /ests/ as in pastes, waists.
  • /et/ as in ate, bait, fete, freight, great, straight.
  • /ets/ as in baits, crates, fetes, greats, weights.
  • /etʃ/ as in H.
  • /ev/ as in save, waive, behave.
  • /evz/ as in braved, caves, knaves, paved, waived, waives.
  • /ex/ as in /ex/.
  • /ext/ as in aicht.
  • /ez/ as in J.s, K.s, cafés, chalets, erase, fortes, inlays, liaise, melees, outweighs, parfaits, parquets, purveys, souffles, C.I.A.'s, communiques.
  • /ezd/ as in phased, appraised, erased, liaised, double-glazed.
  • /eð/ as in bathe, lathe.
  • /eðd/ as in bathed, scathed.
  • /eðz/ as in lathes, scathes.
  • /eɹ/ as in glare, hair, mayor, player, prayer, square, swear, surveyor, derriere, laissez-faire.
  • /eɹd/ as in baird, aired, bared, layered, teared, compered.
  • /eɹdz/ as in bairds.
  • /eɹdʒ/ as in bairge.
  • /eɹdʒd/ as in bairged.
  • /eɹm/ as in airm.
  • /eɹmd/ as in /eɹmd/.
  • /eɹmt/ as in /eɹmt/.
  • /eɹmz/ as in airms.
  • /eɹn/ as in airn, bairn, cairn.
  • /eɹnz/ as in airns, bairns, cairns.
  • /eɹt/ as in airt.
  • /eɹts/ as in airts.
  • /eɹtʃ/ as in airch.
  • /eɹz/ as in airs, bares, bears, heirs, prayers, comperes, derrieres, legionnaires.
  • /eϴ/ as in baith, eighth, faith.
  • /eϴs/ as in eighths, faiths.
  • /eϴt/ as in /eϴt/.
  • /ɔ/ as in awe, claw, saw.
  • /ɔb/ as in bob, daub, job, swab.
  • /ɔbd/ as in daubed, mobbed, swabbed.
  • /ɔbz/ as in cobs, daubs, jobs, swabs.
  • /ɔd/ as in clawed, god, quad, wad, abroad, defraud.
  • /ɔdz/ as in gods, quads, wads, applauds, Norfolk Broads.
  • /ɔdʒ/ as in dodge, podge, dislodge.
  • /ɔdʒd/ as in dodged, dislodged.
  • /ɔf/ as in coif, cough, off, quaff, Gorbachev, Kalashnikov.
  • /ɔfs/ as in coifs, coughs, offs, quaffs, Gorbachev's, Kalashnikovs.
  • /ɔft/ as in coifed, croft, doffed, waft.
  • /ɔfts/ as in crofts, lofts, wafts.
  • /ɔg/ as in bog, cog, analogue.
  • /ɔgd/ as in bogged, hogged, catalogued.
  • /ɔgz/ as in bogs, fogs, catalogues.
  • /ɔk/ as in block, caulk, chalk, croc, gawk.
  • /ɔks/ as in blocks, box, caulks, chalks, docs, fox, gawks.
  • /ɔkst/ as in boxed, coxed, foxed.
  • /ɔkt/ as in caulked, flocked, hawked, rocked, squawked, stalked.
  • /ɔl/ as in all, bawl, doll, haul, skol!, Nepal, Montreal.
  • /ɔld/ as in awled, bald, balled, dolled, hauled, LOLed.
  • /ɔldz/ as in /ɔldz/.
  • /ɔlt/ as in fault, halt, malt.
  • /ɔltz/ as in faults, salts, waltz.
  • /ɔlz/ as in balls, bawls, dolls, hauls, aerosols.
  • /ɔm/ as in bomb, from, Somme.
  • /ɔmd/ as in bombed, pom-pommed.
  • /ɔmf/ as in /ɔmf/.
  • /ɔmfs/ as in /ɔmfs/.
  • /ɔmft/ as in /ɔmft/.
  • /ɔmp/ as in romp, stomp, swamp.
  • /ɔmps/ as in chomps, stomps, swamps.
  • /ɔmpt/ as in chomped, prompt, swamped.
  • /ɔmz/ as in bombs, proms, intercoms.
  • /ɔn/ as in brawn, gone, swan, tron.
  • /ɔnd/ as in bond, conned, spawned, swanned, wand.
  • /ɔndz/ as in fronds, wands, absconds.
  • /ɔns/ as in bonce, ponce, Provence, response, nonchalance.
  • /ɔnt/ as in font, haunt, want, détente, debutante.
  • /ɔnts/ as in fonts, jaunts, wants, détentes, debutantes.
  • /ɔntʃ/ as in conch, haunch, launch.
  • /ɔntʃt/ as in haunched, launched, relaunched.
  • /ɔnz/ as in bronze, cons, dawns, swans, Afrikaans, demijohns.
  • /ɔp/ as in bop, plop, swap, lollipop.
  • /ɔps/ as in bops, chops, copse, swaps.
  • /ɔpt/ as in copped, gawped, opt, swapped.
  • /ɔs/ as in bros., cross, sauce, lacrosse.
  • /ɔst/ as in bossed, lost, sauced.
  • /ɔsts/ as in costs, frosts, defrosts.
  • /ɔt/ as in bought, caught, cot, motte, swat, yacht, astronaut.
  • /ɔts/ as in knots, mottes, noughts, yachts, aeronauts, gigawatts.
  • /ɔtʃ/ as in crotch, Scotch, watch.
  • /ɔtʃt/ as in botched, notched, watched.
  • /ɔv/ as in mauve, of, Romanov.
  • /ɔvz/ as in Molotov's, Romanov's.
  • /ɔx/ as in bauch.
  • /ɔxs/ as in /ɔxs/.
  • /ɔxt/ as in aucht, thocht, wrocht.
  • /ɔxts/ as in auchts.
  • /ɔz/ as in cause, Claus, cos, flaws, gauze, soz!, was.
  • /ɔzd/ as in caused, gauzed, paused.
  • /ɔŋ/ as in gong, strong, croissant, mah-jongg.
  • /ɔŋd/ as in bonged, longed, belonged.
  • /ɔŋk/ as in bonk, conk, honkytonk.
  • /ɔŋks/ as in bonks, conks, the Bronx.
  • /ɔŋkt/ as in bonked, conked, honked.
  • /ɔŋz/ as in dongs, gongs, belongs, croissants.
  • /ɔɹ/ as in drawer, Thor, war, therefore, Dumbledore, troubadour, tyrannosaur.
  • /ɔɹd/ as in cord, ward, warred, abhorred.
  • /ɔɹdz/ as in cords, swords, wards.
  • /ɔɹdʒ/ as in forge, George, gorge.
  • /ɔɹdʒd/ as in forged, gorged, disgorged.
  • /ɔɹg/ as in borg, morgue.
  • /ɔɹgz/ as in morgues, dot orgs.
  • /ɔɹk/ as in cork, orc, torque.
  • /ɔɹks/ as in corks, orcs, torques.
  • /ɔɹkt/ as in corked, forked, uncorked.
  • /ɔɹld/ as in auld warld.
  • /ɔɹm/ as in storm, swarm, chlorophorm.
  • /ɔɹmd/ as in stormed, swarmed, uniformed.
  • /ɔɹmz/ as in storms, swarms, transforms.
  • /ɔɹn/ as in corn, Quorn, warn.
  • /ɔɹnz/ as in corns, warns.
  • /ɔɹp/ as in corp, warp.
  • /ɔɹps/ as in corps, corpse, warps.
  • /ɔɹs/ as in gorse, horse, endorse.
  • /ɔɹt/ as in quart, short, thwart, torte.
  • /ɔɹts/ as in quarts, shorts, thwarts, tortes.
  • /ɔɹtʃ/ as in scorch, torch.
  • /ɔɹtʃt/ as in scorched, torched.
  • /ɔɹz/ as in drawers, tors, wars, encores, dinosaurs, troubadours.
  • /ɔʃ/ as in Bosch, bosh!, cloche, quash, wash.
  • /ɔʃt/ as in noshed, quashed, washed.
  • /ɔϴ/ as in broth, cloth, froth.
  • /ɔϴs/ as in broths, cloths, froths.
  • /ai/ as in aye, guy, thigh, Brunei, goodbye, Shanghai, supply, untie, Versailles, alibi.
  • /aib/ as in jibe, scribe, tribe.
  • /aibd/ as in jibed, scribed, imbibed.
  • /aibz/ as in jibes, tribes, prescribes.
  • /aid/ as in dyed, eyed, thighed, tried.
  • /ail/ as in dial.
  • /aild/ as in dialled.
  • /ailz/ as in dials.
  • /ain/ as in /ain/.
  • /aind/ as in /aind/.
  • /aint/ as in /aint/.
  • /ainz/ as in /ainz/.
  • /aiv/ as in alive, hive, contrive.
  • /aivd/ as in hived, thrived, survived.
  • /aivz/ as in 5s, fives, jives, arrives.
  • /aiz/ as in ayes, buys, byes, cries, dyes, eyes, highs, size, Y.s, advise, Brunei's, Julys, Shanghai's, Varsailles', alibis, breathalyse, M.R.I.s.
  • /aizd/ as in prised, sized, analyzed, breathalysed.
  • /aið/ as in lithe, scythe, blithe.
  • /aiðd/ as in writhed, scythed, tithed.
  • /aiðz/ as in writhes, scythes, tithes.
  • /aiɹ/ as in fire, quire, tyre.
  • /aiɹd/ as in tired, acquired, perspired.
  • /aiɹz/ as in squires, tyres, wires.
  • /aʊ/ as in bough, ciao, Frau, Mao, thou, vow.
  • /aʊd/ as in cloud, crowd, ploughed, endowed.
  • /aʊdz/ as in clouds, crowds, shrouds.
  • /aʊf/ as in bowf.
  • /aʊfs/ as in bowfs.
  • /aʊk/ as in begowk, chowk.
  • /aʊks/ as in begowks, chowks.
  • /aʊkt/ as in begowked.
  • /aʊl/ as in foul, growl, towel.
  • /aʊld/ as in fouled, growled, troweled.
  • /aʊlt/ as in /aʊlt/.
  • /aʊlz/ as in cowls, fouls, towels.
  • /aʊn/ as in clown, noun, renown.
  • /aʊnd/ as in browned, hound, compound.
  • /aʊndz/ as in hounds, pounds, compounds.
  • /aʊndʒ/ as in lounge, scrounge.
  • /aʊndʒd/ as in lounged, scrounged.
  • /aʊns/ as in bounce, flounce, mispronounce.
  • /aʊnst/ as in bounced, flounced, pronounced.
  • /aʊnt/ as in count, amount, paramount.
  • /aʊnts/ as in counts, amounts, undercounts.
  • /aʊnz/ as in nouns, towns, out-of-bounds.
  • /aʊp/ as in /aʊp/.
  • /aʊps/ as in /aʊps/.
  • /aʊpt/ as in /aʊpt/.
  • /aʊs/ as in blouse, house, espouse.
  • /aʊst/ as in joust, oust.
  • /aʊsts/ as in jousts, ousts.
  • /aʊt/ as in bouts, clout, doubt, drought, nowt.
  • /aʊts/ as in doubts, droughts, flouts.
  • /aʊtʃ/ as in crouch, ouch, slouch.
  • /aʊtʃt/ as in crouched, slouched, vouched.
  • /aʊz/ as in boughs, browse, ciaos!, Mao's, vows, arouse.
  • /aʊzd/ as in browsed, roused, aroused.
  • /aʊɹ/ as in hour, power, shower.
  • /aʊɹd/ as in coward, powered, devoured.
  • /aʊɹz/ as in cowers, hours, scours.
  • /aʊϴ/ as in mouth, south.
  • /ɪi/ as in gey.
  • /ɪid/ as in bide, blide, bride, Clyde, guide, formaldehyde.
  • /ɪidz/ as in bides, Clyde's, guides, hides.
  • /ɪif/ as in Fife, knife, afterlife.
  • /ɪifs/ as in Fife's, Fyffe's, strifes.
  • /ɪik/ as in byke, dyke, mic, psych, trike.
  • /ɪiks/ as in bykes, bikes, dykes, mics.
  • /ɪikt/ as in dyked, micced, psyched, triked.
  • /ɪil/ as in bile, aisle, guile, isle, mile, stile, style.
  • /ɪild/ as in biled, aisled, beguiled, child, filed, stiled, styled, whiled, wild.
  • /ɪildz/ as in child's, wilds.
  • /ɪils/ as in biles.
  • /ɪilt/ as in bilet.
  • /ɪilz/ as in aisles, files, isles, stiles, styles, beguiles, Carlisle's.
  • /ɪim/ as in climb, thyme, time.
  • /ɪimd/ as in climbed, rhymed, timed.
  • /ɪimz/ as in climbs, rhymes, times.
  • /ɪin/ as in bine, chine, fine, quine, sign, Tyne, 69, Frankenstein.
  • /ɪind/ as in chined, dined, find, resigned.
  • /ɪindz/ as in grinds, hinds, womankind's.
  • /ɪindʒ/ as in chynge.
  • /ɪindʒd/ as in chynged.
  • /ɪint/ as in chinet.
  • /ɪinz/ as in bines, cheens, fines, quines, signs, 69s, Liechtenstein's.
  • /ɪip/ as in clype, gripe, hype.
  • /ɪips/ as in clypes, gripes, hypes, guttersnipes.
  • /ɪipt/ as in striped, typed, wiped.
  • /ɪis/ as in chice, chyse, ice, twice, vise.
  • /ɪisd/ as in /ɪisd/.
  • /ɪist/ as in Christ, heist, enticed.
  • /ɪists/ as in /ɪists/.
  • /ɪit/ as in clyte, bite, fight, quite, sleight, indict, fahrenheit.
  • /ɪits/ as in clytes, bites, bytes, fights, sleights, requites.
  • /ɪiz/ as in chyse.
  • /ɪiɹ/ as in chyre.
  • /ɪiɹd/ as in chyred.
  • /ɪiɹs/ as in chyres.
  • /ɪiɹt/ as in chyret.
  • /ɪiϴ/ as in /ɪiϴ/.
  • /ɪiϴs/ as in /ɪiϴs/.
  • /ɪiϴt/ as in /ɪiϴt/.
  • /ʌ/ as in duh!, huh!, uh!.
  • /ʌb/ as in club, grub, pub.
  • /ʌbd/ as in clubbed, dubbed, stubbed.
  • /ʌbz/ as in clubs, hubs, scrubs.
  • /ʌd/ as in blood, crud, mud.
  • /ʌdz/ as in duds, floods, studs.
  • /ʌdʒ/ as in budge, fudge, sludge.
  • /ʌdʒd/ as in fudged, judged, begrudged.
  • /ʌf/ as in cuff, rough, stuff.
  • /ʌfs/ as in bluffs, cuffs, fisticuffs.
  • /ʌft/ as in chuffed, fluffed, tuft.
  • /ʌfts/ as in Crufts, tufts.
  • /ʌg/ as in bug, plug, jitterbug.
  • /ʌgd/ as in hugged, shrugged, jitterbugged.
  • /ʌgz/ as in bugs, unplugs, jitterbugs.
  • /ʌk/ as in buck, luck, unstuck.
  • /ʌks/ as in bucks, clucks, flux, deluxe.
  • /ʌkt/ as in bucked, duct, obstruct, untucked.
  • /ʌkts/ as in ducts, instructs, aqueducts.
  • /ʌl/ as in cull, dull, null, clerical, oracle.
  • /ʌld/ as in culled, dulled, hulled.
  • /ʌldȝ/ as in bulge, divulge, indulge.
  • /ʌldȝd/ as in bulged, divulged, indulged.
  • /ʌldʒ/ as in /ʌldʒ/.
  • /ʌldʒd/ as in /ʌldʒd/.
  • /ʌlk/ as in bulk, hulk, skulk.
  • /ʌlks/ as in bulks, hulks, skulks.
  • /ʌlkt/ as in bulked, hulked, skulked.
  • /ʌls/ as in convulse, pulse, repulse.
  • /ʌlt/ as in cult, insult, catapult.
  • /ʌlts/ as in cults, exults, catapults.
  • /ʌlz/ as in culls, gulls, lulls, oracles, urinals.
  • /ʌm/ as in chum, crumb, hum, some, sum.
  • /ʌmd/ as in bummed, summed, thumbed.
  • /ʌmf/ as in /ʌmf/.
  • /ʌmfs/ as in /ʌmfs/.
  • /ʌmft/ as in /ʌmft/.
  • /ʌmp/ as in frump, hump, pump.
  • /ʌmps/ as in dumps, plumps, stumps.
  • /ʌmpt/ as in bumped, grumped, thumped.
  • /ʌmz/ as in comes, crumbs, hums, unplumbs.
  • /ʌn/ as in bun, done, son, tonne, medicine, gentlemen, gentleman.
  • /ʌnd/ as in gunned, refund.
  • /ʌndz/ as in funds, defunds, refunds.
  • /ʌndʒ/ as in plunge, sponge.
  • /ʌndʒd/ as in lunged, sponged, expunged.
  • /ʌns/ as in dunce, once.
  • /ʌnt/ as in hunt, punt, affront.
  • /ʌnts/ as in blunts, hunts, battlefronts.
  • /ʌntʃ/ as in crunch, hunch.
  • /ʌntʃt/ as in crunched, hunched, munched, honeybunch.
  • /ʌnz/ as in 1s, buns, fund, ones, sons, tonnes, gentleman's, gentlemen's, medicines.
  • /ʌnʃ/ as in /ʌnʃ/.
  • /ʌp/ as in pup, blow-up, buttercup.
  • /ʌps/ as in cups, SUPs, buttercups.
  • /ʌpt/ as in cupped, corrupt, erupt.
  • /ʌs/ as in bus, fuss, plus.
  • /ʌsk/ as in busk, husk, tusk.
  • /ʌsks/ as in busks, husks, rusks.
  • /ʌskt/ as in busked, husked, tusked.
  • /ʌst/ as in bust, gust, concussed, non-plussed.
  • /ʌsts/ as in busts, gusts, rusts.
  • /ʌt/ as in butt, hut, huts, coconut.
  • /ʌts/ as in buts, butts.
  • /ʌtʃ/ as in hutch, much, touch.
  • /ʌtʃt/ as in clutched, touched, retouched.
  • /ʌv/ as in glove, gov., shove.
  • /ʌvd/ as in gloved, loved, shoved.
  • /ʌvz/ as in doves, gloves, loves.
  • /ʌz/ as in buzz, cuz., does.
  • /ʌzd/ as in buzzed, fuzzed.
  • /ʌŋ/ as in hung, tongue, young, among.
  • /ʌŋd/ as in bunged, tongued.
  • /ʌŋk/ as in chunk, debunk, monk.
  • /ʌŋks/ as in bunks, monks, cyberpunks.
  • /ʌŋkt/ as in chunked, dunked, defunct.
  • /ʌŋkts/ as in adjuncts, disjuncts.
  • /ʌŋz/ as in rungs, tongues, young's.
  • /ʌɹ/ as in fir, fur, her, purr, sir.
  • /ʌɹd/ as in bird, curd, furred, spurred, stirred, word.
  • /ʌɹdz/ as in curds, girds, words.
  • /ʌɹdʒ/ as in dirge, purge, scourge.
  • /ʌɹdʒd/ as in purged, scourged, urged.
  • /ʌɹg/ as in D'Burg, Luxembourg, Zuckerberg.
  • /ʌɹgz/ as in D'Burg's, Luxembourg's, Zuckerberg's.
  • /ʌɹk/ as in chirk, irk, lurk, quirk, work, berserk.
  • /ʌɹks/ as in birks.
  • /ʌɹkt/ as in irked, quirked, worked.
  • /ʌɹkz/ as in irks, lurks, quirks, works.
  • /ʌɹl/ as in curl, whorl, unfurl.
  • /ʌɹld/ as in curled, whorled, world.
  • /ʌɹls/ as in /ʌɹls/.
  • /ʌɹlt/ as in birlt.
  • /ʌɹlz/ as in curls, whorls, unfurls.
  • /ʌɹm/ as in firm, squirm, worm.
  • /ʌɹmd/ as in squirmed, wormed, confirmed.
  • /ʌɹms/ as in /ʌɹms/.
  • /ʌɹmt/ as in /ʌɹmt/.
  • /ʌɹmz/ as in firms, squirms, worms.
  • /ʌɹn/ as in burn, turn, adjourn.
  • /ʌɹnz/ as in adjourns, burns, spurns.
  • /ʌɹp/ as in burp, chirp, usurp.
  • /ʌɹps/ as in burps, chirps, usurps.
  • /ʌɹs/ as in curse, worse.
  • /ʌɹst/ as in burst, cursed, first, worst.
  • /ʌɹsts/ as in bursts, firsts.
  • /ʌɹt/ as in dirt, hurt, squirt.
  • /ʌɹts/ as in flirts, hurts, squirts.
  • /ʌɹtʃ/ as in birch, church, lurch.
  • /ʌɹtʃt/ as in birched, lurched, besmirched.
  • /ʌɹz/ as in blurs, burrs, furs, her's, purrs, stirs.
  • /ʌɹϴ/ as in birth, Perth, worth.
  • /ʌɹϴs/ as in births, firths, rebirths.
  • /ʌɹϴt/ as in birthed, girthed, rebirthed.
  • /ʌʃ/ as in blush, flush, hush, thrush.
  • /ʌʃt/ as in blushed, flushed.
  • /oi/ as in boy, buoy, hoi polloi.
  • /oid/ as in Freud, toyed, void.
  • /oidz/ as in Freud's, voids, polaroids.
  • /oil/ as in oil, voile, Conan-Doyle.
  • /oild/ as in oiled, soiled, embroiled.
  • /oilz/ as in oils, recoils, Conan-Doyle's.
  • /oin/ as in Boyne, coin, conjoin.
  • /oind/ as in coined, joined, conjoined.
  • /oint/ as in joint, point, anoint.
  • /oints/ as in joints, anoints, disappoints.
  • /oinz/ as in groins, adjoins, tenderloins.
  • /ois/ as in Joyce, voice, rejoice.
  • /oist/ as in hoist, voiced, rejoiced.
  • /oists/ as in foists, hoists, joists.
  • /oit/ as in quoit, Detroit, exploit.
  • /oits/ as in quoits, Detroit's, exploits.
  • /oiz/ as in boys, buoys, noise, hoi polloi's.
  • /oiŋk/ as in boink, oink.
  • /oiŋks/ as in boinks, oinks.
  • /oiŋkt/ as in boinked, oinked.
  • /iːd/ as in keyed, kneed, disagreed.
  • /iːz/ as in /iːz/.
  • /iːð/ as in breathe, seethe, bequeath.
  • /iːðd/ as in breathed, seethed.
  • /iːðz/ as in bequeaths, breathes, seethes.
  • /uːd/ as in booed, brewed, clued, mooed, viewed.
  • /uːn/ as in hewn, strewn.
  • /uːð/ as in booth, smooth, sooth.
  • /uːðd/ as in boothed, smoothed, soothed.
  • /uːðz/ as in booths, sooths, youths.